Your partner for high quality vegetable seeds

Long Shank Leek

Crop Remark: Strong vigorous plant with extensive root zones adaptable to various regions. Long and thick stems ideal for domestic and export market. Intermediate resistance to many foliar diseases
Growing areas: Adapted to many growing regions. Best suited in well drained soils rich in organic matter
Seed rate / acre:
1000 - 1500 g
Approx seed per gram
250 seeds
Spacing: 30 cm * 10 cm
Foliage color:
Dark green
Density of leaves: Medium dense
Foliage growth altitude:
Degree of leaf waxiness:
Foliage cracking:
Maturity: 90 - 100 days after transplanting
Shaft length and diameter:
Long pseudostem up to 30 cm
Shaft / pseudostem diameter: Medium thick stems
Stem color: White
Yield potential:
6 - 8 tons / acre
Diseases: Notable field resistance to Pink Root Rot
Usage: Used in food as flavoring agent, raw salad, fresh cooked, pickling, canned, medicinal and ornamental purpose
Health benefits:
Rich in vitamins, minerals; fibre, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, blood sugar regulation and medicinal properties
Available pack sizes:
Kadogo (2 g), 10 g, 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g