Your partner for high quality vegetable seeds

Parsley Super Curled

Crop Remark: Dense vigorous growth with good dark green canopy that remains fresh and well after harvest. Ideal for growing in containers, borders or vegetable garden. Soil should be kept moderately moist during germination.
Growing areas:
Warm moderately moist regions
Seed rate/acre:
250 g
Approx. seeds/gm:
600 seeds
30 cm x (5-10) cm
Growth habit:
Erect plant with multiple sideshoots and good canopy
Germination Period:
2- 4 weeks
75 days after sowing
Plant Height:
20 - 30cm
Leaf Colour:
Dark green curled leaves with serrated and curled margin
Foliage Density:
Very dense foliage with medium leaf lobing and medium long leaf stalks
Yield potential:
4 - 6 tons / acre
Notable field resistance to leaf blight and mosaic viruses
Usage: Eaten raw, cooked and used in many culinary dishes; salads, soups, stew, slaws
Health Benefits:
Rich in vitamins C & K, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol level, rich in nutrients; fiber, potassium, carbs
Available Pack Sizes: Kadogo (4g), 10g, 25 g, 50 g, 100g, 250g, 500 g