Your partner for high quality vegetable seeds

Collards Sukuma wiki

Crop Remark: Medium dark green vigorous leafy vegetable with longer harvesting period and notable tolerance to pests and light frost. Ideal for growing year round across all ecological zones.
Mode of pollination: Open Pollinated
Growing areas:
Low to high altitudes
Seed rate/acre:
150 g
Approx. seeds/gm:
230 seeds
45 x45 cm
Plant growth habit:
Non-heading with erect leaf attitude and growing points starting at middle part of medium stem
50 - 60 days after transplanting
Leaf shape:
Elliptic with obtuse angled apex
Leaf blistering:
Very weak
Leaf Colour:
Dark green, entire leaf type
Average leaf weight per plant:
400 - 500 g
Yield Potential:
10 - 12 tons /acre
Bolting Tendancy:
High bolting torelance
Notable field resistance to fusarium yellow and black rot diseases
Head texture:
Firm and crisp
Yield potential:
35 - 45 tons / acre
Diseases: Notable field resistance to fusarium yellow and black rot diseases
Usage: Lightly sauteed in oil until tender, flavored with onion and seasoned with salt. Can be served either as main accompaniments or as a side dish with preferred meat
Health benefits:
Rich in vitamins  A which strengthens the eyes, Vit C for body cell repair and skin smoothening, fiber that aid in digestion and lower cholestrol levels
Available pack sizes: Kadogo (5g), 10g, 25g, 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g