Your partner for high quality vegetable seeds

Basil Classic

Crop Remark: Basil classic is a versatile aromatic herb in the mint family with quality light green silky leaves that meets local and export market requirement. Notable field tolerance to thrips and can survive cold nights.
Growing areas:
Open fields and greenhouse
Seed rate/acre:
1000 g
Approx. seeds/gm:
500 seeds
10 cm x 40 cm
Growth habit:
Very erect plant with multiple sideshoots
Germination Period:
1- 2 weeks
42 days after sowing
Plant Height:
15 - 20cm
Leaf Colour:
Light green silky leaves with strong smell
Foliage Density:
VDense foliage harvested after every 10 days
Yield potential:
6 - 8 tons / acre
Notable field resistance to downy mildew, fusarium wilt and leaf blight diseases
Usage: Eaten raw, cooked and used in many culinary dishes; salads, soups, stew, slaws
Health Benefits:
Rich in vitamins C & K, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol level, rich in nutrients; fiber, potassium, carbs
Available Pack Sizes: Kadogo (4g), 10g, 25 g, 50 g, 100g, 250g, 500 g