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Onion Texas Grano

Texas Grano Onion

Crop Remark: Short day yellow onion with straw coloured skin. Popular across the globe for its sweet flesh and mild-medium pungent flavour. Highly tolerant to bolting
Growing Areas: Adapted to many tropical and sub-tropical regions
Seed rate/ acre: 1000 - 1500 g
Approx. seeds/gm: 300 seeds
Spacing: (20 - 30 cm) x (5 -10 cm)
Foliage growth attitude: Prostrate
Foliage cracking: Strong
Maturity: 90 days after transplanting
Bulb shape and uniformity: uniform globe shaped bulbs
Bulb firmness: Firm with thick multiple scales
Bulb skin colour: Yellow onion with straw coloured skin
Bulb fresh colour: White sweet flesh
Bulb size: Large bulbs
Yield Potential: 14-18 tons / acre
Pests: Highly tolerant to onion thrips
Diseases: Notable field resistance to Pink Root Rot
Usage: Used as a flavoring or side dish. Can be boiled, baked,
grilled, fried, roasted, eaten raw in salad
Health benefits: Rich in vitamins B, C, minerals; fibre, carbs, potassium, has
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, blood sugar
regulation and medicinal properties against heart disease,
mouth sore
Available pack sizes: Kadogo (1 g), 10 g, 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500 g