Your partner for high quality vegetable seeds

FAIDAH F1 Hybrid Watermelon

Crop Remark: Early maturing Short season hybrid that is highly productive. Tolerate cool nighttime temperatures. Fruits can be picked a little before full ripeness and ripened in storage, where they can be kept for up to two months.
Mode of Pollination: Cross Pollination
Growing areas:
Medium low altitudes
Seed rate/acre:
250 g
Approx. seeds/gm:
20 seeds
90 cm x 75 cm
Growth habit:
Hermaphroditic flowers:
70 - 75 days after sowing
Fruit average weight (kg):
8 - 10 kg
Fruit shape:
Uniform round fruits
Fruit skin colour pattern:
Dark green rind
Fruit length and diameter:
Medium sized fruits
Flesh colour: Brilliant red crisp flesh
Fruit texture:
Sweet scarlet-hued flesh
Total soluble sugars (TSS):
Sweetness of 11.5 - 12.5 % brix
Yield potential: Average 48 - 50 tons / acre
Pests: Notable field resistance to Fusarium wilt
Diseases: Notable field resistance to Pink Root Rot
Usage: Fresh consumption and agro- processing such as juice making
Health Benefits: Contains 6% sugar and 92% water by weight. Excellent source of Potassium, Amino acids, Vitamins A, Vitamin C and Folate. Contains important antioxidants like Lycopene
Available pack sizes: Kadogo(7 Seeds), 10g, 25g, 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g