Your partner for high quality vegetable seeds

Okra Pusa Sawani

Crop Remark: Pusa sawani is an open pollinated okra variety widely adapted in many warmer regions. Highly productive with attractive pods that have good storage ability
Mode of pollination: Open Pollinated
Growing areas:
Low to medium altitude areas
Seed rate/acre:
2500 g
Approx. seeds/gm:
12 seeds
45 cm x 30 cm
Plant growth habit:
Semi - erect
Medium strong
45 days from direct planting
Position of fruits on main stem:
Slightly falling
Number of fruits per plant:
45 - 120 fruits
Fruits colour:
Yellow green
Fruit shape:
Slender with intermediate fruit pubescence
Fruit length and diameter: > 15 cm long and 1.6 - 3 cm wide
Number of ridges per fruits:
5 -7 ridges
Yield potential:
8 - 12 tons / acre
Pests: Highly Tolerant to aphids, Padagrica spp.
Diseases: Notable field resistance to Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus
Usage: Eaten after cooking as vegetable
Health benefits:
Rich in vitamins C & K, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol level, rich in nutrients; fiber, potassium, carbs
Available pack sizes: Kadogo (5 g), 10 g, 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 500g